Currently boycotting Starbucks and Horizon Dairy.
Starbucks continues to use rBGH
Shame on them for continuing to use milk that has rBGH in it, and doubly shame on them for not working to increase the percentage of Fair Trade coffee that they sell. They could at least make an effort, rather than ignoring the requests of their customers. It's not unreasonable. And don't get me started on the baked goods they sell...
Horizon Dairy is one of the "Shameless Seven"
Read more at . . .
wholesalers and major “organic” brands are continuing to sell milk and dairy products labeled as "USDA Organic, even though most or all of their milk is coming from factory farm feedlots where the animals have been brought in from conventional farms and are kept in intensive confinement, with little or no access to pasture.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Monday, July 17, 2006
Self Portrait

Here is a picture of me. I was meeting with Paul St. John on a Healthy Adventure cruise. The cruise was a good time, but not so healthy in my opinion because it was primarily raw and vegan and there was too much sugar and soy to be had. I lost my will power on day three. Plus I needed my own air purifier for my room.
It was the first adventure for Healthy Adventure ( so I am hoping they learned from guest comments.
I would like to go on another Healthy Adventure some day.
Friday, July 14, 2006
I share because I care
Hopefully you have time to check out my web page . . . there are many resources at
This is my second blog, just testing the waters.
The cleaner we live, the better for our livers to do the many jobs it has to do. -Delicia Beaty
This is my second blog, just testing the waters.
The cleaner we live, the better for our livers to do the many jobs it has to do. -Delicia Beaty
Monday, July 10, 2006
The Body Ecology Diet saved my life
This is my story about how the body ecology diet saved my life. Now I know the inner ecosystem is very important.
It has been a long road to health for me. As far back as I can remember, I was constipated, having very difficult bowel movements. I remember having very painful ear aches. When I was 14, I started "the pill" to regulate my periods. In my late teens, I developed eczema and the doctors prescribed cortisone cream. I suffered from eczema, sinus infections and stomach pain all through college. I was diagnosed at some point with "Trapped gas" and told to eat raw vegetables. For many years, I suffered with extreme pain during bowel movements causing me to sweat and turn white as a ghost. Then at about 27 years of age I could not walk, especially in the morning, due to severe feet pain.
The doctors' diagnoses were: Fibromyalgia, Irritable bowel, and leaky gut. They told me there was "No cause and no cure," and prescribed: Bentyl, Claritin, two pills for dry itchy skin (one was an antihistamine), Celebrex, and Acifex.
Reading the Body Ecology Diet (BED) book gave me hope. I scored 413 on the Yeast Questionnaire in the BED book?(indication of extreme yeast overgrowth). Symptoms the diet helped me with: Fatigue/lethargy, feeling drained, poor memory, feeling spacey, indecisive, numbness/burning/tingling, muscle aches, muscle weakness, pain/swelling in joints, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, bloating/belching/intestinal gas, troublesome vaginal burning/itching, loss of sexual desire/feeling, menstrual cramps, PMS, attacks of anxiety/crying, cold hands/feet and chills, shaking/irritable when hungry, drowsiness, irritability, incoordination, inability to concentrate, frequent mood swings, headaches, loss of balance, pressure above ears ... feeling of head swelling, chronic rashes/itching. indigestion/heartburn, mucus in stools, rectal itching, dry mouth/throat, blisters in mouth, bad breath, body odor not relieved by washing, nasal congestion/post nasal drip, nasal itching, sore throat, cough, pain/tightness in chest, wheezing/shortness of breath, urinary frequency/urgency and incontinence, burning on urination, spots in front of eyes, burning/tearing of eyes, recurrent infections in ears, ear pain, and sinus pain.
The last pill prescribed to me was Acifex. After taking a couple doses I had terrible stomach pain. I read the side effects of both the Bentyl and Acifex and they were counteracting each other. It was at this time I was reading the book and decided the doctors could take their pills -- I wasn't going to anymore. In November 2002 (Age 35), I made a live changing decision to quit all drugs (including smoking), alcohol, bread, dairy and continued staying away from sugar and caffeine.
In January 2003 I started the BED. After 1 month I felt better. After 3 months, I scored 187 on the yeast questionnaire.
I was dedicated to the diet for 1 year and I felt great. I wish I would have seen Dr. Arne at this time. It has now been a few years since I was on the diet and I am feeling some of the pain in my feet, liver and gall bladder issues. Dr. Arne has run some tests and we will start to detox my body while paying attention to what foods and supplements are right for me. For information about the body scan go to and make your own decision about what you want to do for your health.
I did a gallbladder cleanse. I read you have to eliminate 200 or so stones before you feel permanent relief. I counted about 50 over the course of two hours. There have been reports of extreem pain while on the cleanse, having to call 911. I didn't feel a thing (lucky in some respects I guess). I read you can do the cleanse every two weeks. Best to do a parasite cleanse first. Read The Cure for all Diseases.
It has been a long road to health for me. As far back as I can remember, I was constipated, having very difficult bowel movements. I remember having very painful ear aches. When I was 14, I started "the pill" to regulate my periods. In my late teens, I developed eczema and the doctors prescribed cortisone cream. I suffered from eczema, sinus infections and stomach pain all through college. I was diagnosed at some point with "Trapped gas" and told to eat raw vegetables. For many years, I suffered with extreme pain during bowel movements causing me to sweat and turn white as a ghost. Then at about 27 years of age I could not walk, especially in the morning, due to severe feet pain.
The doctors' diagnoses were: Fibromyalgia, Irritable bowel, and leaky gut. They told me there was "No cause and no cure," and prescribed: Bentyl, Claritin, two pills for dry itchy skin (one was an antihistamine), Celebrex, and Acifex.
Reading the Body Ecology Diet (BED) book gave me hope. I scored 413 on the Yeast Questionnaire in the BED book?(indication of extreme yeast overgrowth). Symptoms the diet helped me with: Fatigue/lethargy, feeling drained, poor memory, feeling spacey, indecisive, numbness/burning/tingling, muscle aches, muscle weakness, pain/swelling in joints, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, bloating/belching/intestinal gas, troublesome vaginal burning/itching, loss of sexual desire/feeling, menstrual cramps, PMS, attacks of anxiety/crying, cold hands/feet and chills, shaking/irritable when hungry, drowsiness, irritability, incoordination, inability to concentrate, frequent mood swings, headaches, loss of balance, pressure above ears ... feeling of head swelling, chronic rashes/itching. indigestion/heartburn, mucus in stools, rectal itching, dry mouth/throat, blisters in mouth, bad breath, body odor not relieved by washing, nasal congestion/post nasal drip, nasal itching, sore throat, cough, pain/tightness in chest, wheezing/shortness of breath, urinary frequency/urgency and incontinence, burning on urination, spots in front of eyes, burning/tearing of eyes, recurrent infections in ears, ear pain, and sinus pain.
The last pill prescribed to me was Acifex. After taking a couple doses I had terrible stomach pain. I read the side effects of both the Bentyl and Acifex and they were counteracting each other. It was at this time I was reading the book and decided the doctors could take their pills -- I wasn't going to anymore. In November 2002 (Age 35), I made a live changing decision to quit all drugs (including smoking), alcohol, bread, dairy and continued staying away from sugar and caffeine.
In January 2003 I started the BED. After 1 month I felt better. After 3 months, I scored 187 on the yeast questionnaire.
I was dedicated to the diet for 1 year and I felt great. I wish I would have seen Dr. Arne at this time. It has now been a few years since I was on the diet and I am feeling some of the pain in my feet, liver and gall bladder issues. Dr. Arne has run some tests and we will start to detox my body while paying attention to what foods and supplements are right for me. For information about the body scan go to and make your own decision about what you want to do for your health.
I did a gallbladder cleanse. I read you have to eliminate 200 or so stones before you feel permanent relief. I counted about 50 over the course of two hours. There have been reports of extreem pain while on the cleanse, having to call 911. I didn't feel a thing (lucky in some respects I guess). I read you can do the cleanse every two weeks. Best to do a parasite cleanse first. Read The Cure for all Diseases.
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